I Checked My Husband’s Phone and Found a Message from His Boss’ Wife, Truth Came Out

My husband treated me horribly while preparing for a visit from his boss and his wife, but when I grabbed his phone, I discovered a truth that ruined everything.

“Tonight is important, Dana. The house needs to be perfect,” Wade barked, as usual. I was used to his harsh tone but was reaching my limit. While cleaning and preparing dinner, I noticed Wade glued to his phone, fueling my suspicions.

That night, Wade welcomed his boss, Jerry, and his wife, Alexandra. Alexandra requested a house tour, and Wade eagerly obliged, leaving me uneasy. When they didn’t return promptly, I went upstairs and overheard Alexandra and Wade plotting. They were having an affair, and Alexandra was using her influence to secure Wade a promotion. I retreated quietly but resolved to act.

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